Manon Planche Pop-Up Notting Hill, London 25 Sept - 5 Oct Looking to collaborate with emerging female artists to fit out the shop for this special event that will showcase Manon Planche's latest collection | @manonplanche Eligibility Criteria: Female artists, makers, designers Product categories: wall art, ceramics, furniture, interior decor All products and art must be available to sell Artists must be available to deliver and install pieces for the pop-up event, as well as uninstall and collect on the final day of the pop-up. Interest in upcycled materials and sustainability is a plus. To apply, please send a portfolio, bio, and list of a handful of pieces you have available to sell. Please email as soon as possible. A selection of work will be curated by NUA x DESIGN and Manon Planche. There will be a fixed fee to participate in the pop-up and commission taken on all sales. 100% of the fixed fee will be used for PR & marketing to promote the event.