Artists Around the Corner Documentary

  • Laura Martinez Da Silva

This was a project that I did with Yanire Sylva Delgado and was part of the E17 Art Trail 2019, Walthamstow. We called E17 Room. To see the video: / youtube: We are a collective that opens the door for the community by documenting the beginnings of the creative projects in Walthamstow. We want our audience to identify with and participate in these experiences and the process of storytelling. What brought us together was the need of sharing interest and ideas about us living in a country that is not ours. Artist Around the Corner is our first project, we documented the start of the E17 Art Trail back in 2005. E17 Art Trail 2019 and the fact that Walthamstow has been nominated London Borough of Culture, gave us the opportunity and energy of starting this project. We have shown the importance for an artist to have access to an open and not intimidating space, avoiding the fear and judgment, to exhibit their work. How taking part in the E17AT has helped their creative development and how it has an impact on the community. Film & Edition: Laura Martinez Da Silva Production: Yanire Sylva Delgado Music: Zbynek Short Documentary E17Room 1920x720

Penny Fielding, the first participant of the E17 Art Trail 2005
Laura, Elly Davies, Yanire