@pocketMAGAZINE W/ Jojo Vandalkidd

  • Alim Lamontagne
  • Abigail Morris
  • Bonnie Paul
  • Rita Adeyosoye

Kicking off pocket MAGAZINE’s relaunch is London‑based fashion blogger, brand strategist and writer ‑ Jojo Vandalkidd, or better yet, ‘Your influencer’s influencer’, who fuses streetwear and high fashion hotpicks to channel her unique, androgynous style. Jojo is what we like to call the ‘Zeitgeist’ in this fashion game, as she prides herself in being a trendsetter, and loves to put people on to her wardrobe must‑haves. Head over to our Instagram @pocketMAGAZINE to check out the rest of our content!