Azura Lovisa, Chapter IV

  • Birgit Toke Tauka Frietman

Over the past couple of months, I designed and developed the new collection of jewellery for Azura Lovisa, Chapter IV, in collaboration with Tanaporn Wongsa. The collection is now published online and will soon be made available to order. “The jewellery references the Malay folk magic practice of susuk, the ancient art of embedding charmed gold needles and diamond shards under the skin as talismans, as well as other traditional practices which often enact the use of plant-based ingredients like roots, flowers, and spices.” “The gold brooches, some in a crescent shape and others cast from roots, are adorned by an assortment of charms tied on with metal wire or thread, cast or electroformed in metal as well as in their raw organic forms.” Photography by Elizabeth Gabrielle Lee.