Balanced Grub Brand Strategy & Design

  • Kate Male

Balanced Grub started as an online documented journey of my recovery from a digestive illness I had suffered from my whole life and turned into a vastly popular blog that became ‘the place to go’ for people suffering from digestive illnesses. My focus was on using nutrition (I obtained a diploma in nutrition) as a treatment for the symptoms I was suffering with. It was so popular I was featured in Health Monitor magazine in the US, Further Food & VeryWell. Balanced Grub is a brand people love because of its consistency. They can connect and engage on all touchpoints; from social media to the website to email. I used my passion for design and health and married the two to create a strong brand that people loved. I always wanted to deliver health and nutritional information in a clear and fun way to help educate my audience. I strongly believe the reason Balanced Grub is so successful is my content was engaging, educational and entertaining whilst also building a connection with my readers.

Visit the website
The website generates 600 visitors per day and continues to grow.
It is because of Balanced Grub that I want to help other health professionals with their branding and bring their passion for what they do to life, because the more people are interested in health & fitness the happier the world will be!