Bamboo housing - Earthquake-resistant technology

  • Karen G. Burbano

Naming for a sustainable housing technology /// Role: Creative & Strategist

A group of bamboo experts around the world have worked for many years improving and standardising bamboo housing technology to build houses for people in need.
The technology has many positive attributes such as sustainability, low cost, earthquake and wind resistance and rapid production, however many potential consumers consider it an outdated, weak and cheap option for a home.

Additionally, this technology has multiples names around the world in different languages, and it has been difficult to create an international standard that demonstrates to governments that it is a reliable technology. Because of this, financial institutions and other organisations are reluctant to invest in this technology.
For this project, I recollected primary and secondary data to understand people’s perception on the construction technique.

The results demonstrated that a new international bi-lingual name should be created, which will help this technology to spread and be accepted by academics and professionals around the world.
My team and I developed more than 100 names in the creative phase, and with the client we selected the final 3 names that were evaluated in a survey among specialists around the world.

The finals names are: