Barclays - Business Fraud Films


Focusing on the unexpected


As part of the suite of anti-fraud films created for Barclays, publicise the rise of impersonation fraud, and arm potential business targets against becoming a victim.


This crime currently costs UK businesses £32m per year. The perpetrators are well organised, knowledgeable and professional: they aren’t chancers. By focusing on two of these fraudsters instead of the victims, and showing not only how professional and determined they are, but also how they attempt to commit the crime, these films would be full of compelling reasons to keep watching and share widely.


Two startlingly different characters were filmed for a variety of executions, ranging from under 30 seconds to 90 seconds, and covering small and medium businesses and larger organisations. Throughout, the fraudsters talk directly to the viewer in an engaging, roller coaster of emotions style, explaining exactly how their scam works – and importantly, how they can be stopped.