Beauty in Older Women

  • Edo Zollo

Intrigued by women getting older and losing their “sexy” status in the eyes of the opposite sex and others, Edo aims to challenge people’s perceptions through his striking portrait photographs. The photos – of 10 women between the ages of 67 and 79, contest the stereotyped view of ageing women as unattractive and ‘past it’. The works will be accompanied by statements from the women themselves, explaining why they took part in the project and their attitudes to getting older, and still feeling beautiful. In her statement Hazel (79) says: ‘I’m doing something I have never done before. At my age, you have done most things, what a joy to find yourself involved in a new experience!’ Margaret (67) gives some advice to older women: ‘Do not accept society’s evaluation! Be proud of who you are, expect to be noticed and look for attention. We deserve it and no matter who we are, we have contributed and should not be ignored or set aside.’

Channel4 TV interview