Before #MeToo and #TimesUp there were the unf**kables and we came out fighting.

  • Jane Evans

In November 2015 an agency in Sydney boasted of its latest creative hires:

5 white guys.

It was the day the 3% conference finished in New York and the girls in the industry were pretty fired up.

Cindy Gallop launched the offensive with a single tweet "What the fuck were you thinking?"

And we launched the Unf**kables. I connected with senior female creatives around the world took their quotes and turned them into a social media onslaught.

The boys didn't know what hit them. We had a team working in every time zone replying to the hate on industry blogs, feeding articles to the press, and using our powerful connections to chat with their clients. Soon the women in business were standing beside us and the women in Hollywood were watching ready to follow our lead...

The agency kept quiet hoping it would all go away.

After a week they sent out a press release saying they had chosen the best talent available.

We laughed!

They responded exactly how we knew they would.

They used the old argument that women creatives aren't good enough.

And the boys criticised our campaign saying it wasn't pretty enough.*

Oh well, at least they got us to smile more!

* Typographers would have got our deliberate form follows function reference.


  • T

    The Invizibles
