The interest in scenes and characters from the Bible is also immanent in my artworks, as seen in cycle called "Behind the look" and this is the paradigm of the historical themes that recur in the current social developments globally. The approach to the plastic molding retains the line of hyperrealism in creating the work, with a pronounced care in the representation of the emotions of the characters, an interest in photographic conveyance and precision in shaping the details. The three sculptures David, Hezekiah, and Thomas are meant to paraphrase the fate of man from the beginning of his existence until today. David is a parable about the power of man, but not about his strength, but the power to face the reality where the power of mind prevails over the brute irrational strength. The life of Hezekiah is the fate of man in his exile, and perseverance in the struggle to survive in what is believed, and his quartering by those with a different view of the world. The disbelief shown by Thomas, who wanted to be assured of the resurrection of Christ, is the need of man to personally touch things, and to believe in them. This speaks of the doubt, which is a prerequisite for trust, but also of doubt about ourselves. By touching reality, we become aware of it, but also of our own existence as such...