
  • Ricardo Capote

Beta-i is a global collaborative innovation consultancy. We start from nothing. We didn’t know where to go. We went left, we went right, then we went left again. But we were not lost. We were creating a common dream. It was part of a common process. It wasn’t predictable or infallible. It was a hard work. With a lot of fun.


Squiggle - A short line that curls and loops in an irregular way.
In Portugal is known as “Rabisco”.
1. We squiggle
2. Put the first letter in the beginning
3. And then the other letters follow the squiggle.
4. Add colour
All beta-i event branding was aligned with the new brand look and feel.
made @Ogilvy Lisbon
Designer Ricardo Capote | Copywriter João Freitas | Creative Director Rui Melo

Premio Logotipo / Mar 2016 Meios&Publicidade prémios design 2015 Beta-i / Marca Ogilvy Lisbon
Prémio em Rebranding / Mar 2016 Meios&Publicidade prémios design 2015 Beta-i - Squiggle Me Up Ogilvy Lisbon
Bronze em Rebranding / May 2016 Clube de criativos Portugal Beta-i / Squiggle Me Up Ogilvy Lisbon

All rights belong to Beta-i, and Ogilvy Lisbon.