One of my long-time volunteers, Andy Klein, approached me at last year’s Berlin edition of beyond tellerrand. He told me about a project he started together with a few other people to bring education to parts in our world, where it is not self-evident. I absolutely love the idea and am totally up for it to support it. I want to help them getting the word out and like to help them raising money.
Makuyuni e.V. is a private organisation that believes in the right of education for everyone, everywhere in the world. This is as simple as giving 264 million people worldwide the basic human right to receive education.
Jan Grandisch and Andreas Klein from Cologne started in Makuyuni, Tanzania – hence the organisation’s name – as a non-profit association in September 2018. In the year of their foundation, they received €5000 in donations that they invested entirely in their school’s building project in Tanzania.
If you want to know what this reasonably low amount of money means: they already have given around 30 children the chance to have lessonsin a new third classroom through new school desks, tables, and other essential learning materials.
Another quite important point is that they work according to the principle of helping people to help themselves and make it possible to set up educational structures rather than actively pursuing them. This means that they provide their friend Lalahe Mollel with support, ideas, and resources on-site, who then implements and coordinates the work himself.
You like the idea of it and want to support Makuyuni? Well, here is this link that ou can use to donate a few bucks, to help getting education to all places in the world. Thanks