Blue Veins

  • Olivia Springate-Jones

Societies internalised notions allow colourism (the prejudice against dark-skinned BAME’s in comparison to lighter-skinned) to detriment the self-worth of black individuals, typically females. Colourist notions are extremely prevalent in within western culture; light-skinned females are regularly pedestalled, displayed as a representation for the black female community. The title 'Blue Veins' derives from the 20th century blue vein test in which those whose skin was light enough for their veins to be seen through were seen as superior to those with darker skin. This series diverts from the urban settings that black individuals are often associated with. Symbolising freedom from oppressive notions, natural imagery provides a refreshing representation, differing from the clichéd urban images that we are so accustomed to. This series exposes the effects of Eurocentric beauty ideals and acknowledges the neglect of Afrocentricity.