Bravo Tours

  • Evelyn Danciu
Bravo Tours is one of the largest traveling agencies in Denmark that has been in practice for over two decades, however, the agency wishes to develop its strategy in order to provide the customers the option to book in advance, the agency specifically focus on customers segments that represent families who have never travelled through their firm before. The agency would like to assess what are the proper online platforms through which the agency can grasp the desired target group.
Target group
The main target group is represented with parents aged between 25-40 years, living in Denmark.
Another target group the agency focuses on is represented with children aged between 6-13, both groups should be active online and on social media.
The study will focus on identifying the proper online (media) platform in order to inspire families through entertainment and bonding them through travel, and to develop a concept that motivates customers to book a holiday through Bravo Tours by aiming on entertainment.
The theoretical concept of inspiring through entertainment mainly focuses on the agency´s type of industry -travelling- by addressing communication goals towards families to book through Bravo Tours, the method can also be applied in future campaigns that would have the same target group.
Communication & Key Performance Indicator
The concept mentioned earlier is about motivating both target groups to assess their personal knowledge about different countries worldwide, and perhaps inspire the parents to consider a family trip.
The key performance indicator is a type of performance measurement that evaluates the success of an organization or of a particular activity (such as programs, products and other initiatives) in which it engages. It is used in this study to check if the early bookings (2-3 months in advance) that are made by the target groups would increase by an estimation of 20% up until the summer of 2018, and by using Bravo Tours’ website activity statistics such as Google Analytics, that would be possible.
Concept & Campaign Ideas
The theoretical entertainment concept can be an empirical concept throughout this study by conceptualizing a game that would educate children about different cultures around the world in a digital entertaining manner; The game is about a quite interesting quiz, and it has special features to keep the user entertained and to avoid boredom, the quiz focuses on different worldwide aspects such as traditional foods, cultural sites, festivals and languages, moreover, audio clips have been added to highlight the language based questions.
The game hopefully should be able to create a family-bonding experience and to motivate parents to seek knowledge about different cultures and perhaps motivate them to consider a family vacation.

The Engagement Process
The agency should first determine what type of social media to be included in the campaign. The commonly used social media channels are:
Facebook is the most commonly used media channel, and by far the most important in engaging customers; it has the ability to shift customers from the awareness phase to the active consideration phase through different features such as sponsored videos and side pop-ups.
A YouTube commercial is also essential to this campaign, the key advantage here is that children are devoted users of YouTube, and the possibility for them to encounter the game commercial is higher than any other social media channel, Furthermore, YouTube also trigger parents to encounter the game as well.
Instagram is a social networking app made for sharing photos and videos from a smartphone, users interact by following each other, the distinctive feature about Instagram is that users can synchronize their photo sharing to other social networks, so Instagram photos can be posted directly to Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and other social media channels, which increase the possibility to encounter the agency´s campaign.
The Official Website
The official website is essential in all cases, business will gain credibility by having a website and without one, potential customers will go to other competitors
that do, in addition, users can surf the website and easily find the game when other media channels have done their job.
A brand engagement starts with businesses that have downstream flows of intent and actions. The engagement process in this case is done through YouTube commercials, Facebook campaigns and Instagram campaigns since they are active in grasping awareness.
The aforementioned game will also be a part of the engagement process; it will lead users to a third step, which is sharing the game with others.
Most of the campaign costs will be related to the firm´s operational procedures and the implementation process.
The implementation process would take two weeks on a full-time working basis, meaning approximate to 37h/week.
The campaign team must be provided with a campaign manager, who directs the team to stay on track and to meet the deadline. The manager will be a valuable asset to the project and will be included concept development process if he/she has the relevant education and possessing the information about the cost structure.
There campaign must be provided with a social media specialist, who will be responsible of executing strategies.
A designer must also be involved to handle visuals/designs of the advertisement.
The campaign would be active for two months on a continuous basis.


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