Brewery Tour - key visual

  • Inga Ciumac
  • Olga Radu
  • Veronica Belous
  • Anta Petrenco
The oldest beer factory in Chisinau asked us to design a creative concept for the promotion of their brewery tour. We immediately imagined a world of beer, as we see it, with malt and hops fields, with deeply passionate people.
As soon as we got the sketch done, we started to work on it. From bottle modeling to the last detail, the working process was pure joy. Because many of the needed supplies for the craft were not available in Moldova, we had a lot of fun improvising. For example we used about three packs of dry parsley, usually used for seasoning, to cover the bottle with green ”grass”. For the sake of a few clouds we had to sacrifice a beautiful pillow. Glue sticks were amongst the most hot and popular materials on the project, sticking together, at one point, all 40 fingers involved in the process.
It took us a while until we got to post the result in our portfolio, but even though, we like it to much to keep it just for ourselves.