Brewing my ideas in my mind-teapot

  • Hadis Malekie

That time that I am with my ideas, in a teapot, working on them and enjoy while being patient to let them brew. It reminded me of a benevolent, mythical bird in Iranian mythology and literature, called Simurgh. In the story " Conference of the Birds" by Attar, Si Murgh (30 birds) fly to find the legendary Simorgh, When the group of thirty birds finally reach the dwelling place of the Simorgh, all they find is a lake in which they see their own reflection. They themselves together were Simurgh. If you are some kinda multidisciplinary person, you know me, every time you follow a bird, learn about it, and even may got lost but finally you take the features and mix with you other birds and have your own Simorgh, or in other words you brew your very special one tea and sip it. .