Bud Aromatherapy Packaging

  • Rhiannon Street
The fast pace of modern life often prevents us from relaxing and getting to sleep at night. Concentrating on the age old methods of aromatherapy, it is clear that many do not know how essential oils are best used and feel that they are somewhat of a niche market. In reality, there is strong research to suggest that inhaling essential oils can stimulate brain function, enhance mood and overall wellbeing. By embracing the positive effects that aromatherapy can have on all areas of life, ‘bud’ aims to break down the communication barrier by simply detailing how each oil may effect the mental state and suggestions of how they could be used.
First in ‘bud’s range are the simple single packaged aromatherapy oils. Each is titled with a popular phrase related to either sleep, waking up or working to instantly indicate to the customer how the oil may help them. This is further detailed below the scent and instructions on how to use are situated on the back of the box.
In addition to the single packaged essential oils, ‘bud’ would also offer sets of three that would allow the user to explore which works best for them. The selection boxes would come in the ‘Sleep Collection,’ ‘Wake Collection’ and ‘Work Collection’ as well as the ‘Circadian Rhythm Collection which would include one of each scent from each group, allowing the user to treat each area of their day which would quintessentially result in better sleep quality.
The final product in ‘bud’s range would be a three-sectioned candle with each segment being infused with a different essential oil to treat sleep, waking or working. The user would burn the segment of the candle that they require at that moment; for example, burning the ‘sleep’ segment one hour before bed to release the scent.