Building winning products for the wellness industry

  • Meddy Abdi

With this project I tried bringing a unique approach to natural medicine, by developing an easy to use platform for our community who want to better their lives and optimise their health with authenticity by using ancient practices to ensure optimum potential to maximise one’s health. Customers had the opportunity to sign up to monthly prescriptions of natural medicine packages (Med-Packs) or choose from a variety of our top of the range products. In this current day and age where the masses only seem to care about muscle’s and makeup we have established a fun and easy route to modern day natural goodness, in the fast pace world we live in nobody seems to get the chance to pop into the shop as frequently as we use to and that’s why I came up with the NatMedPack subscription service, bringing the cure to you! We had a range of products for different aspects of the human body from natural remedies to platters of natural beauty enhancers we feel the need to go green greener and you should too! This was my first step in creating an online business and stopped shortly after attending university.