"Butterfly Effect"

  • naomi smith

Throughout November and December of 2020, I worked with an award winning artist, Kelly-Anne Cairns, as a curator of her exhibition "Butterfly Effect". We came together to establish a cohesive theme for the event, and settled on the notion of the Butterfly Effect- how small events can cause huge changes. As well as creating posters, press releases, and private viewing invites, amongst much more, I curated the artwork and was the sole curator of the exhibition layout. Further, I led the entire exhibition installation. I placed paintings of inanimate objects next to paintings of human subjects to highlight the ways that, during lockdown, which was caused by one small event that went on to change the entire world, Cairns' perspective shifted, and the life of the objects in her home, and her home itself, shifted and changed. The movements, shapes, colours, and emotion evoked from both the human subjects AND the objects mimic each other, ultimately expressing the ways we have all changed our perspectives and viewpoints on life due to the Butterfly Effect of 2020.