C O V I D - 19, the beginning.

  • giorgia frare

During this incredible difficult times, not only psychological but financial too, I decided to document what is happening around me. Being an Italian woman living in London and having to deal not only with the separation from my family, but also with the very different approach the UK Government decided to take compared to the most drastic ones around the world, I have so many mixed feelings in regards to the novel Covid-19 outbreak. Because of this virus, I have been fired from my full-time job in tourism just after 10 days I have been employed. I started thinking of this project because people are taking this situation with an extremely relaxed mindset, which seemed to me completely non-sense compared to the action my family and friends back home were forced to take. Three days after I was left with no occupation, I went on a 5 hours walk around East London. These pictures show how only few days ago people started to feel the pressure of this serious circumstance. Ongoing project. East London, Sunday 15.o3.2o2o