Cacao & Breathwork Experience

  • Marjory Carrero
  • Marjory Carrero

Are you ready to dive into a truly unique and transformative experience to close 2023 with gratitude and plant the seeds for 2024? Look no further than the Cacao Breathwork Audio Experience. This experience is designed to give you a space and guide to reconnect with yourself and the world around you in a way that will leave you feeling rejuvenated, inspired and ready to embrace whatever life brings up. Marjory from Venezuela South America, will share the wisdom and healing benefits of the sacred plant medicine Cacao, demonstrate how to make it at home; make it part of a healthy lifestyle and guide you with a meditation to connect with your intentions. Amanda from Brazil South America, will lead you after drinking cacao through conscious breathing techniques, incorporating frequencies, binaural beats, 432hz music and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) using wireless headphones. You will learn to harness the power of your breath to activate your body's natural healing abilities. The powerful combination of these two ancient techniques and sacred sounds will open your heart and doors to a deep inner journey guiding you to receive, heal, increase your energy levels, release tension, stagnant emotions, and thoughts that no longer serve you.