Call for Entries 2017

  • Firuze Karaoglu
BBB announces the submission period of the 8th Balkans Beyond Borders Short Film Festival. We invite young artists up to the age of 35 from the Balkan region and beyond to get inspired by this year’s topic and send their film until the 10 of July 2017. We accept all film genres with duration up to 30 minutes. If the participant is not from the Balkan region the production can be Balkan or the film to refer to the Balkans
The festival that travels from city to city in the Balkans and triggers inspiration through its different thematic every year goes beyond the “Balkan Borders” and it will take place in Brussels in October 2017. After seven successive years, BBB gives the opportunity to the next generation of filmmakers to create, share and present their films, meet and collaborate.
This year's theme is Enter/Exit.
More information on how to apply is available on Balkans Beyond borders website:, our Facebook page (Balkans Beyond Borders) and Twitter (BalkansBB).
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