Can What You Wear Help Improve Your Mood?

  • Georgia Smith-Marr

I wrote about how fashion and clothes helped me find myself again during the lockdown.

As I’m writing this, I’m currently sitting in the living room of my apartment in Medellin, Colombia. It’s a beautiful clear sunny day, and I can see the mountains from my window.
However, like most people around the world, Covid-19 has meant that I cannot leave to soak in the sun– unless it’s my day and time I have been allotted to leave to go grocery shopping or go out for some exercise. The restrictions here and across the globe are for good reason.
I’m lucky to have a roof over my head, an online job, large windows, and food. However, like many in quarantine I imagine– I am struggling with my mental health. I live alone and I am away from my friends and family. Being so distant from everyone is tough, and the lack of physical touch is melancholy at times.
Read the whole thing here.