• Moesha Parirenyatwa

The Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia) an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri, the Italian poet and writer, in the early 14th century. Divided into three books, the narrative traces the journey of Dante from hell (Inferno) through purgatory (Purgatorio) to paradise (Paradiso), each book containing 33 cantos (divisions). In Paradiso Dante attempts to express the ineffable beauty of God, in other words, to describe that which cannot be described. In the final canto (Canto 33) of Paradiso, Dante reaches the end of his journey and his vision – and is granted sight of the universe: he moves in harmony with the spheres, with God, and with himself. ISTD Brief: Interpret Canto 33 of Paradiso, to introduce The Divine Comedy to a new audience. Outcome: A typographically and illustrated interpretation that combines both the modern and traditional styles of type and illustration. This version uses a unique and bold colour pallet that reflects the poems ambitions and heights.

Project Tags


  • International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD) logo

    International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD)

    • Design
