Caramelized bodies #2

  • Ariadna Tunnah

During the history, the body has been seen as one of the main communicative and expressive mediums humans have ever had. However, nowadays, the body is generally though as a conditioning before another rich characteristic of ourselves. People care too much about the perception others can have about theirselves because their bodies. Actually, this is kind of societies fault, which drowns us, and we get stuck to it. It can be difficult not to think or base our lives on stereotypes. And these sensations could be compared with how sticky candy is, and how difficult can be to take it off our skin. So, taking the candy as the society which sticks to our skin, we wanted to experiment with the feelings a body can have trying to remove liquid and dense candy from itself. Taking Digital Artifacts project (2014, Bart Hess) as a referent and basing the experimentation on Marina Garcés article ‘Sóc el meu cos’ we explored the dialogues generated when situating a body and candy in a same space. Was candy going to melt slowly? Was the body going to eat it as quick as it could? Was the process going to be pleasant? Was it going to be oppressive? Project partner: Gemma Delgado