“Charlie and the chocolate factory” digital development

  • Nina Kashcheieva

This is my story from “Charlie and the chocolate factory”. I made new storytelling and visual development. Short story: 1. Charlie is boy 14 years old. He is studying in the spy school 2. And every day school, training, rivalry, learning the latest technologies and gadgets for surveillance. 3. Until one day he was given a super responsible task - to get to the factory and find out WHAT IS GOING THERE. His goal is to complete the mission successfully and become a spy. 4. To achieve his goal, Charlie conducts surveillance with the help of drones / satellites, hacks the system and is implemented by the worker. 5. Watching Wonka with the help of various spy gadgets, learns a terrible secret. Wonka wants to take over the whole world. 6. A crisis. Charlie is trying to thwart the villainous plan, but is failing. His mission failed. Moral choice: drop everything, try again or ask for help from competitors? 7. Charlie and his classmates unite for the sake of a new goal - to save the world. During the operation, 3 friends Charlie disappear. In the end, we learn that Wonka enslaved them and Charlie and one comrade save them all at the risk of their lives. Together they return to their homeland. 8. Epilogue - they go to a new task together