China's Air Pollution

  • Ed Yau
The Brief: Use information design and diagrammatical display to inform, explain and clarify a selected area of research focusing on population.

China’s rapid industrialisation is causing major impacts on the population’s health and the natural environment. This is continuing to be a growing problem with people becoming wealthier, consuming more and buying cars. Despite the small efforts made in China, this issue has not been resolved and sets a negative hindrance to the country. Reports of China’s poor air quality peaked above the measurable air quality index scale in January 2013, the smog problem was so built up it could be seen from space. Reading this was a catalyst to push investigation and exploration for detailed information
on the topic.

Access to gain official data on air pollution in China is challenging and limited. China restricts national data that presents a negative trend available to be accessed for the public, with this in mind; information collected was carefully considered and derived from a range of articles and reports from western sites. With the information, it was appropriate to illustrate and create diagrams to help clarify the statistics on the issue. I decided to communicate my message through a poster to create an impact on a viewer to encourage speculation and inform awareness of China’s on-going air pollution problem.