Clothing Designs - Upcycle

  • Eleni Alagkiozidou

There have been a variety of mediums I have tried out, however creating and changing clothes original designs will always be one of my favourite things to do.In the upcoming future I want to collaborate with platforms and charities to upcycle clothes and give them a new life so they get sold faster.I would like to find companies or organisations that already do something similar along those lines

The following shirt was inspired by the topic of social issues faced in the 21st century... I was focusing on protests that were taking place in order for these issues to be talked about more and I thought another way that many protest is through clothing, therefore how the idea came to be

MEDIUMS used: watercolour as well as fabric dye, thred and hand sewing, monoprinting and carving my own stamps
Cyber sigil inspired hoodie created by bleach, a simple idea which I would like to play around with more in the future when changing and altering clothes, as bleaching is one of the easiest ways to alter a piece of clothing.