Club billboard - xxxtremesports

  • Omar Esaadi
  • Mario Serrano Puche
  • Dania Arafeh

XXXtremesports is a brand founded by Palestinian designer Omar Esaadi, incorporating his interest in textile practices, sportswear and sexuality to highlight personal narratives and an ethnographic approach to cultural upbringings, queer spaces and London’s rave and music scenes, creating a unified image and identity through each facet of these communities. The brand has been inspired through interactions with friends and strangers that are abundant and special in a city such as London. London’s range of nightlife, cultural events and creative hubs have served as spaces for expression and starting this brand. Figures in these communities have also been inspirations for and supporters of Esaadi’s work, such as Nooriyah, a DJ making strides with SWANA sounds and cultivating diasporic Arab communities, as well as 3EIB founder Dania Arafeh, who’s platform has valued, uplifted and prioritised Palestinian crafts, stories and identity; embracing diasporic and queer Arab identities. The brand is inspired by those in these spaces for their dedication to genuine self-expression, breaking a multitude of barriers and building such valuable spaces when queer Arabs walk the line of pushing cultural taboos whilst not always being able to fully assimilate in western spaces, particularly queer western spaces.