Clubber Spotlight: Kate Partington

  • Dazed Digital
  • Kate Partington

Our latest spotlight is on collage artist Kate Partington. Kate tells us about her tendency towards collage as a medium for communicating intangible human feelings, and the meaning of form in her work. For the chance to get spotlit, post your creative projects, designs, music, paintings, photoshoots, creations etc. in the app and us at Dazed will select our top picks each week and reach out to you

I’m a collage and visual artist. I create both physical and digital collage alongside video collage pieces and try to translate the analogue into the digital while also exploring how the two worlds can interact. My series focuses on ideas of touch and intimacy – I try to capture connections that we as humans develop so easily with one another. This particular series on desire is focused on capturing the beauty and joy of touch and the feelings that come about from these relationships.
As a medium, I find collage constantly rooted in change, it’s a very transformative medium which appeals massively to me. I like the way collage appeals to something almost childlike within us, cutting things up and sticking them together to create and express. As a medium, collage can be very open and free, not necessarily restricted by other ‘rules’ of more traditional or formal means of art.
My artistic series often try to capture feelings or emotions I can never seem to put into words. This includes exploring dreams and the surreal, trying to (and never fully being able to), capture the sense of loving and desiring another, or trying to tell people when you’re really not doing well. I am inspired and driven by these intangible feelings and my seeming inability to put them into words. I’m a very visual communicator and most of my work is an expression of a sentiment, a feeling, or a wider thematic issue I’m trying to come to terms with on a personal level. To that end, I’m very inspired by the human body and the idea of form, how the body can evoke and emote, and what it means to reorganise the form.
My creative scene is based in Manchester, I’m very inspired by the city itself and the creative buzz that echoes around. I’ve found the creative community here so open and welcoming, it’s a great place to be as an artist right now.
Kate is part of an upcoming video exhibition 'They_Revolt: Queer Voices' in Sleepy Parrot Studios, Stockport, 13th –16th June



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