Clubber Spotlight: Regina Barreiro

  • Shel Kaplan
  • Kanerva Lehtonen

In this selection, you can see a mix of people, including my best friends, my aunt, individuals from the streets, my mother, and Diamanda – a drag queen I met in Paris. Each image tells a novel story, reflecting the beauty and diversity I like to capture in my work. I work independently, whether I'm on the bustling streets or in a carefully chosen location. This approach allows me to establish a genuine connection with my subjects and creates a comfortable atmosphere that fosters creativity. In terms of capturing these shots, my go-to lens is 35 mm. It allows me to get up close and establish an intimate connection with my subjects. I enjoy experimenting with colour saturation in post-production to make the images more vibrant and emotionally engaging. I like switching between film and digital cameras, as I find that each offers a distinctive charm. The film camera brings a classic and grainy vibe, while the digital one allows me to be more flexible and adaptive to different shooting conditions. I draw inspiration from remarkable photographers like Alex Prager, Elliott Erwitt, Cindy Sherman, Nan Goldin, and many others. Their unique styles, use of colours, and (for some of them) their documentary work have a significant influence on my photography.