COME ON IN LIFE JOURNEYS: Herne Hill Train Station

  • Sally Wood

"At heart, ‘Come On In’ is a simple offer – meet some of the people that are part of our community and write songs about them, songs to sing back to that community." - Francesca Beard In 2019 acclaimed poet Francesca Beard, and musician John Hegley met with Sharon and Owen, employees at Herne Hill train station in Lambeth. Their interviews have been transformed into song-poems elevating the everyday to the wondrous through their evocative words and music and quirky sketches. In 2020, StrongBack Productions and Speaking Volumes brought on visual artist Ruth Grimberg to re-imagine this collection of song poems. Our first edition, Life Journeys, a collaboration with Speaking Volumes Live Literature Productions and funded by Arts Council England, is an invitation to each of us to stop for a moment, look at what surrounds us, look the people that we daily pass by and ask ourselves…what is that person’s life like? Produced by Sally Wood & Dominique Le Gendre for StrongBack Productions, and Sharmilla Beezmohun for Speaking Volumes

Sharon Jeffreys, Herne Hill station:
"it was an overwhelming privilege to be part of an exhilarating performance. An evening which made
us proud, laugh, close to tears, wonder and reflect our lives and others. I felt honoured to have been
such a major part."