An art project in which I percolated all my passions into one coherent space; a melted palette of literature, photography and music that endeaviured to understand what IMPRESSION is within modernity, with the aim to exhibit a new way of nurturing impression. Anonymity is a species of creativty, and within anonymity we have a lot of freedom, for impression is the prize of anonymity; anonymity demands that we bring our newest version of ourselves because this stranger we meet has no notion of our reputation, regardless of whether this reputation is for good or bad, they know nothing of who we are. This lack of reputation allows for so much freedom. At least for me, I always felt liberated when alone from the reputations that have grown out of my home town - anyone who has endured domestic abuse will understand the uncomfortable feeling that comes from being in a comfort zone for too long, or when one has learnt how to constantly please others due to it having been a survival mechanism when you were too young to know differently.