Side Hustle/ Writing

Creator and Founder of EDEN Zine

  • Michelle Hung

EDEN Zine is a bi-yearly print magazine dedicated to business and lifestyle, focusing on young entrepreneurs and their journey into business. Self-published and created by Michelle Hung a Senior Creative Producer & Creative from South London. Inspired by her 15yo son to create something which encourages the younger generation, EDEN’s belief is that hard work should not be shunned but encouraged. Our mantra: “To become the best version of yourself - The journey is just the beginning.” Designed to be stimulating and motivating for young teenagers and millennials EDEN zine is packed with interviews from the new generation of young entrepreneurs, laced with beautiful photography and carefully curated insights from young, business-savvy like-minded individuals. New on the scene and London based, EDEN, is a yearly magazine to ensure we handpick the best of the best stories to captivate and inspire our audience.