Crema Novi Video Recipes

  • Giacomo Bonfante

Video production for Crema Novi hazelnut and cocoa spread. Digital and social campaign by Copiaincolla Pubblicità.

Identity, uniqueness, and warmth were the three keywords to start the creative process with, so I thought of a soft and warm light on a minimal photo set, made of a wooden countertop and a clean background. This was also to make the product stand out more by making it highly recognizable. A total of ten videos was shot with the same techniques and direction of photography between April and December 2021. This guaranteed a regular monthly publication on Instagram for the Italian and French audiences—the main targets of this editorial content. The videos produced became part of a broader and successful digital and social media campaign, giving the brand more engagement and strengthening the loyalty of regular and new consumers of the product.

In terms of cinematography, I opted to shoot with three to four cameras from different angles, to enhance the details of the food and product and the gestures of the model. Working alongside the in-house art director sharpened my creative eye and approach, and also built long-lasting relationships in life outside the set, making it an experience I wish to have more often. What is displayed above is a selection of moving stills from five out of ten videos I filmed. You can watch the complete series on Crema Novi's official Instagram page.


  • C

    Copiaincolla Pubblicità

    • G

      Gruppo Elah Dufour Novi
