
  • Jody VandenBurg

CUMULUS is a snapshot of the life of singer-songwriter and musician Imogen Heap. Focused on a time of incredible creativity and innovation for Imogen, it was created using only digital content and conversations on social media. In exploring the development of Imogen’s personality in the digital space and the reciprocal relationship she has with her dedicated fan base, CUMULUS touches on ideas of transcendence, the concept of digital consciousness and the reciprocal relationship of the real and the virtual. To reflect Imogen's unique relationship with both digital technology and her fan base - the film has been crafted solely from digital content and interactions on social media between Imogen and her fans. Through Tweets, Facebook posts, Reddit AMAs, YouTube videos, Instagram images, Vine videos and more. It covers a period of Imogen's life that led to the creation of two albums in collaboration with her fans, and the development of the groundbreaking Mi.Mu musical glove technology. For more information contact: Cumulus was commissioned by the Reel Lives Project.