Cura pela Natureza (Healing by Nature) - Opening

  • Bruno Cavalcanti

"Cura pela Natureza" (Healing by Nature) is the largest Latin American portal developed for natural medicine and healthcare. Every day is posted news about the theme as natural treatments and even natural life style tips. This is the opening of the Youtube channel owned by the site.

We were in charge to create a opening for the largest Latin American portal youtube channel "Cura pela Natureza". At first, the client wanted a motion design opening but we suggested doing it live action to make it feels in a bucolic mood.
The shooting location was at a coworking restaurant called "Benedito". The windown light was perfect for us, it was at afternoon but could easily be misunderstood by a morning sun. The tea set was borrow from my mom and she is realy jealous aboit it (lol).
These fine tattooed arms was borrowed from or friend and enthusiast of us Debora Hadala, she is a great social media that now is based on Colorado. In the earlies days of Touche she was one that keep telling us to be "more digital". You can reach her Instagram at @debhadala88.
PS: As we were shooting the water got cold. So we need to insert the steam in post-production.