D&AD: Google Fonts & HMCT

  • Catriona Clarke

Competition Entry for D&AD 2020 brief with Google Fonts and HMCT. The brief was to use a song / musical movement or genre of music that correlates to a cause. I originally wanted to go down a happier path but I stumbled across Rainbow Kitten Surprise's "It's Called: Freefall" which sings about loneliness, anxiety and toxic friendships. Using lyrics relating to the Devil and created this storyline about this old school devil character handing over his business card to troubled souls, all about taking time to yourself and allow yourself to breath.

Poster Element - The Devil handing over his buisness card.
This would be supplied with the vinyl
Vinyl Sleeve Element
Gold embossed with worn effect to potrey regal style of the lord of hell
Font: IM FELL English
Touch Point - Physical Devil Buisness Card (Front)
Font: IM FELL English
This buisness card would be included in the vinyl packaging. The size allows easy storage such as in the back of your phoncase or wallet as a gentle reminder to look after yourself.
Touch Point - Physical Devil Buisness Card (Back)
Promoting app and reminding to look after mental health
Font: IM FELL English, Jost
This buisness card would be included in the vinyl packaging. The size allows easy storage such as in the back of your phoncase or wallet as a gentle reminder to look after yourself.
Digital Element - Mental Health App Concept.
This app will allow you to; track your mood (useful for both yourself and when speaking to medical prfessionals about your mental state), speak to qualified professionals (completely confidential unless life threatening) and get tips and tricks to help manage your state of mind.
Font: Jost