D&AD New Blood Awards 2021

  • Georgiana Gherman

D&AD New Blood Awards 2021 Vector Elements/ Character Illustrator Mock-up Photoshop Animation/ Video Edit After Affects Project Development BLOG How young people would flirt post COVID? Quarantine made people socially awkward and the social skills decreased. Duolingo's collaboration with Hinge would help young adults to flirt in any language, embracing diversity and the cultures. Wouldn't be amazing if you could flirt in more languages? The challenge: To use Duolingo as a main character without disturbing the udience. Being aware that dating apps nowadays are moreassociated with an one night stand and not as a romantic interaction. The solution was to approach a style that creates an alter ego that picture Duolingo as a Wing-man that helps you interact and flirt. Without any sexualisation in rapport with the dating app. The outcome: A case study that points to a general issue and finds a solution. Digital visuals that describe the intentions of the collaboration. (emojis/ posters/ billboards)