D&AD New Blood Awards - Google x HMCT

  • Sam Roscoe

This project was in Collaboration with Google and Hoffmitz Milken Centre for Typography - The challenge? - Bring awareness to a cause within the music the underground music scene more people should know about using nothing other than typography as a medium to promote the sale of a vinyl plate and bring awareness to this cause. I have created a solution that breaks the stigma of the underground music / squat rave scene and transforms it into a positive land of emerging opportunities for up and coming artists. I have chosen a music scene that has fluctuated in popularity and has always received a bad light from the media so you'd imagine that it will be hard to draw relations between a wider audience? However, we all like to live life on the edge, in a world of censorship and invasions of privacy we are on the cusp of revolt and finally, discovering artists who grew in the scene, you wouldn't expect, your parents cut a rug to it is as not disimilar as we thought.