• Miz Tang
You will need the password "DANCER" to access this file.
This video is about DESIRE. It features the beautiful dance routine of Simone Cameresi (Mather Dance Group, NYC). The synopsis of the video is of a shapeless, dream-like woman being the focus of desire. She evolves into her full beautiful form. You are encouraged and drawn in by her cheeky seductive poise. When the dancer splits into 2, then 4, this is a representation of the dynamics in a relationship and the juxtapostion of both parties trying to form together as one and the external factors affecting relationships. Reflecting the passion, desire, confusion, excitment and playfulness that also evolves in a relationship. The figures dissipate to one form, that returns to the formless dream-like state she originated from. A lone figure that kicks herself for loosing that special love.

(The video is a visual interpretation of Jose James track "Desire". If you play the track alongside the video you will see the beautiful way it was intended. I was unfortunately not granted the music license and was deeply saddened by this decision. I now seek a new avenue to move this project forward. Interested parties please get in touch)