Darcy - Achievements app

  • Alex Nguyen
Darcy helps you achieve your personal goals with help from people with those same goals. 

Setting the scene

The problem
Many people set themselves admirable personal goals like running a marathon or to quit smoking. However good those intentions might be, most people lose motivation and fall of the wagon after a few weeks due to a multitude of reasons. These reasons are usually things like fear of failure, lack of belief or lack of focus. 
The solution
After many iterations, I decided to go with a chat app solution where like-minded people with similar goals come together to motivate and encourage each other.

The prototypes

I went with a clean, aspiration aesthetic. The use power imagery had the aim of subconsciously keeping the user inspired and motivated to achieve their goals. The group chat format was chosen because it was a powerful way to provide a stronger sense of collectivism and focus around a single topic.