• Lauren Cremer
  • Shel Kaplan

Beyond thrilled to share my new role as a Dazed Club Curator! Thanks so much DAZED & Shel for this opportunity! The Dazed Club app is a wonderful resource that helps you to not feel so alone in that; I see people constantly asking for advice and recommendations on all sorts of things. I also see people looking for feedback, sharing knowledge, and collaborations on their next projects. It’s a great resource that I wish I would’ve had earlier on, would’ve saved me from finding things out the hard way so often. Being a Dazed Club Curator makes it easier for me to help grow the Dazed Club community by spreading the word about what it is. I’ve even started running a drawing club for artists on the app. Everyone I talk to about Dazed Club always seems to be super excited about the ability to connect with so many people about things that matter to them. DM me if you have any questions about how to join #dazedclub �✨ Check out the article here: www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/61903/1/meet-the-new-dazed-club-curators Article written by Ella Glover Photo by Willow Shields