Dazed sport

  • Carys Watson

Title: Just Sport Medium: Mixed Media (Gouache, Watercolor, Digital Elements) Description: "Just Sport" is a dynamic mixed media art project that reimagines Nike’s iconic slogan "Just Do It" through the lens of gender equality. By focusing on the slogan "Just Sport," the project highlights the fundamental equality of all sports, regardless of the participants' gender. This series of portraits celebrates female British Olympic athletes, capturing their raw determination, strength, and emotional intensity. Utilizing a blend of gouache, watercolor, and digital elements, "Just Sport" challenges traditional gendered portrayals and advocates for recognizing sport as a unified, gender-neutral activity. Materials and Techniques: 1. Gouache and Watercolor Painting: * Gouache: Applied for its bold opacity and vibrant colors, gouache accentuates the intensity and focus of each athlete. * Watercolor: Introduces fluidity and dynamism, reflecting the energy and motion inherent in athletic performance. 2. Digital Elements: * Incorporates modern design techniques such as motion graphics, geometric patterns, and enhanced textures. * Includes interactive elements, augmented reality, and photo-realistic details for a contemporary twist. 3. Freely Moving Brushstrokes: * Deliberately free-flowing and energetic brushstrokes mirror the active and dynamic nature of sports, representing the athletes' attitudes and movements with vitality and motion. Concept and Inspiration: The project is inspired by the notion that sports are fundamentally the same, regardless of who plays them. "Just Sport" arose from the observation that sports are often labeled differently based on gender, such as "Women’s FIFA World Cup" versus "FIFA World Cup," implying a disparity in value. This practice undermines the seriousness of women’s sports and perpetuates stereotypes. The artist’s realization that generalizing sports by gender diminishes their inherent value led to "Just Sport." The project captures the raw emotional intensity—anger, focus, and aggression—central to athletic performance, showcasing that these traits are universal and not confined to any specific gender. Color Palette and Patterns: The color palette for "Just Sport" is inspired by the vibrant hues and dynamic patterns of contemporary sportswear. These colors enhance the visual impact of the portraits and connect the artwork to the sports fashion industry. The energetic patterns and colors used in the project reflect the athletes' spirit and reinforce the idea that sport transcends gender. Visual Experience: The portraits in "Just Sport" convey the athletes' emotional intensity through energetic brushstrokes and dynamic color schemes. Gouache ensures vivid, detailed portrayals, while watercolor adds fluid motion. Digital elements enrich the traditional media with modern design features, creating a layered and immersive experience. The freely moving brushstrokes capture the active nature of the athletes' performances, adding a sense of movement and vitality. Exhibition and Audience Engagement: "Just Sport" is designed for both physical and virtual exhibition spaces. In galleries, viewers can explore the rich textures and vibrant colors of the mixed media portraits. Digital screens and augmented reality features offer deeper insights into the athletes’ stories and emotional experiences. Virtual exhibitions include interactive elements that engage audiences with the dynamic world of Olympic sports. Animated Components: The images from "Just Sport" have been developed into GIFs and a short animation video, available on the artist’s Instagram portfolio. These animated elements bring the portraits to life, showcasing the athletes' dynamic movements and emotions. The GIFs and animation are ideal for use in billboards, shop displays, and digital campaigns. They serve as a compelling visual tool to promote the concept of gender-neutral sports, aligning with the movement’s goal to challenge and redefine traditional sports portrayals. Marketing Campaign Concept: The campaign reinterprets Nike’s "Just Do It" slogan to emphasize that sport, in its essence, is the same regardless of the gender of the participants. The portraits are paired with quotes and stories that highlight the athletes’ struggles and successes, advocating for equal recognition. The campaign does not focus on selling a product but rather on promoting a concept that brings a new movement to light, celebrating equality and challenging gendered stereotypes. Animated GIFs and short videos enhance the campaign’s impact, making it ideal for high-visibility displays and digital platforms. Exploration of Gender Disparities: "Just Sport" critiques the practice of differentiating sports by gender, such as "women’s football" versus "football," arguing that this practice creates a sense of inequality and diminishes the seriousness of women’s games. By focusing on the athletes' authentic intensity and employing energetic brushstrokes, the project challenges these stereotypes and advocates for a view of sport as an equal playing field for all. Through "Just Sport," the artist aims to celebrate the remarkable achievements of female British Olympic athletes and promote a perspective that views sport as gender-neutral. The project combines traditional and modern media with a vibrant color palette and dynamic animations to create a powerful, contemporary tribute, aligning with Nike’s ethos of empowerment, equality, and excellence.