Dean Street Pillow Talk

  • Roberto Sideris

A smart home project in collaboration with Recipe (formerly Precipice) design studio. The aim was to create a smart device that was truly useful and rewarding to a specific user. I selected to focus on the LGBTQ+ community. Drawing on both personal experience and that of friends to create a truly unique response to an industry brief that felt satisfying in its subject matter.

We were tasked with selecting a company that our product would fit in with. I decided upon Dean Street Sexual Health, Europe's leading sexual health clinic.
After in depth research with HIV+ patients and other patients of Dean Street Sexual Health I understood the similar cathartic sense of relief felt after a psychiatrist appoitment, akin to a confessional booth. This created my first point of inspiration for a physical device.
The final device features a wireless charging pad and a light-up acrylic screen, acting to create a sense of intimacy and privacy as well as a bedside light.
Alongside a physical device I also created an application. This would be a hub for tracking sexual health results, psychiatric notes and provide insights for what to do next. Above can be seen a retrospective sheet of the UI elements.
The USP of the service is the 'Emotional Analysis'. This thought occured early on when considering psychiatric appointments over a smart device (remotely); how could a device study a person's tone of voice similar to a professional.

This led me to finding out that such technology exists but had unfortunately not been applied to the health sector, only for the analysis of business meetings in finance.

The idea here is that a person would always have access to let out thoughts without the need for the (highly-in-demand) psychatrist. These recordings would then be analysed and the user would be able to disect their own thoughts, alongside the psychatrist being able to access this remotely.
Home Screen seen above
Here is the proposed hub for tracking meet-ups and the sexual health results from each one. The user can also supply the contact details of a sexual partner and if a positive result is received the service will automatically notify them to get tested.