DEB/T - Decentralized European Bank of Trust

  • lodovica guarnieri
The Decentralized European Bank of Trust (DEB/T) is a speculative digital and material platform which explores a possible institutional response in the age of precarious working conditions and the rise of user-generated and digital economical systems in the context of Europe.
Meant as a counter response to the ECB, this near-future scenario proposes a community as a bank, where the common wealth develops and depends on the users and their interactions.
Relying on block-chain principle and specific designed prompt-tools, the DEB/T is both the place and the tool which objectifies the value of voluntary work exchanges. Users are enabled to mine and transform their action of barter of resources and emotions and their outcome, into a common profit represented by the Barter and Trust coins. The currency has both a crypto and material/relational reference, allowing citizens to conduct their activities while weaving their work to the creation of a community, both local and transnational, and to have a direct and democratic participation in cultural and local change.