Deliciously Red

  • Christoph Dichmann

The ingredient E120 colours food deliciously red. It promises a shelf life of young vibrancy, devoid of aging, to a fast food industry that is overly concerned with the attractiveness of their products. Where E120 touches it leaves behind seductive hues of liveliness. Pulsating reds to excite the senses, like that of young blushing cheeks and ripe tomatoes. Candy, strawberry yoghurts, milkshakes and liquor light up red as they leave their factory origin. Decoded, E120 translates to Carmine or Cochineal red - the pigmented essence of Cochineal bug blood. The bugs are born and die, to be the pigment of youthful red. Deliciously Red was an installation collaboratively designed with Elissa Brunato, for the food design week 2018 in Venice with the topic, Vanitas.