• Pars Polat

Chapters: Passion, Process and Reflections With three different chapters, Denizbank’s 20 year history were told with a performance that combined different technologies with art. We took on a significant role as the ArtNPars team at a special event celebrating Denizbank's 20th anniversary. We began working on the project after receiving a request for a particularly remarkable opening ceremony in this rare two-day event. Our project's primary focus is on emotions, and we wanted to create the tale of a performance that will connect with the stage in a powerful way. We attempted to offer the necessary lumen brightness by doing complicated calculations in order for the led screen, which is projected on a transparent screen and placed behind it, to produce a composition. We dealt with Denizbank's success storey in the first section, as well as the choreography of a dancer ascending into the air with a surrealist tale and the reflections of a manager who started out with a significant duty in business life, achieving the worldwide vision with the heartbeat. In the second episode, we worked with the winner of Britain's Got Talent 2013, a shadow dance team. With an extremely seamless flow performance regarding Denizbank's successes, the Attraction Team created a one-of-a-kind experience. In the third section, we addressed Denizbank's size, number of workers, and development in a more high technical and visual manner. The whole project was semi-automated over a certain timecode, with led screens, transparent screens, and blackout curtains programmed on dmx with an unbroken performance of up to 10 minutes.

In the project, 20x9 ghost screen, 22x8mm LED, 18x8 shadow screen and 2x 22x9 black out screen were used. The movement and timing of the screens have been specially planned and implemented perfectly in the entire flow. 24 cyborg motors were used for LED displays.
Lidar Laser scanning was done at the event venue to create 3D geometry and all production was produced with side-acoustical panels as a whole. In total, 26x20K Christie projection was used for the sides and for ghost screen and 1x 26K was used for the Barco shadow screen.
You can watch the process in our behind-the-scenes video, in which we captured pleasant pictures with all of our collaborators while completing this challenging but enjoyable project.