Design Bridge - The Dogs Bollocks awards. Guinness - Drinking to social clubs.

  • Neve Casey

The brief was to choose an article from the January 1st, 2020 edition of the Guardian and use a brand (from the list available) to tackle the issue. I chose an article about the gentrification of working men’s / social clubs. My outcome was based on common ‘working class phrases’ that relate to the stereotypical club punter. I wanted my outcome to show that often these clubs mean more than your average pub to their loyal punters and display what the clubs mean and represent, highlighting they are a huge part of working-class culture. The well known, commonly used phrases would capture attention leading to the information about why the club matters and why it’s being gentrified. I wanted this information to be almost ‘easy to miss’ to represent how the punters and background of these clubs are often discarded and forgotten. * Ideally these prints would have been made using a letterpress or letter stamps to give the ‘rough around the edges’ feel the clubs hold. However, due to restrictions with COVID-19 I was unable to do this.*

Project Tags




    • Design
  • Design Bridge and Partners logo

    Design Bridge and Partners

    • Design
