Design For A Cause

  • Vera Rita

The moment this project was given by the teacher, I could only think of something that not only worries but frustates me: the formatting of children. What do you mean "formatting of children"?, you're probably asking. It is very simple, actually. Nowadays, as children grow as teenagers, you cannot ignore the fact that they look lost in their own lives. They don't know what to do with their future and, the funny thing is, they don't even know who they are. If you ask me who do I blame, I'll immediately point out to the teachers. I know that parents, friends and everyone else have influence in children but the main duty of schools is to help their students to learn about themselves as human beings and, it is absolutely not happening! What is happening here is that they're only worrying about "babbling" the alphabet and general culture. If you ask a teenager what does (s)he like (s)he'll take a long time to give an answer. Education is meant to help children to explore themselves, their beliefs, their tastes, their opinions - their personalities! I have a lot of friends and known people who took a long time to decide the major they'd like to study. Most of them picked the major that fitted their grades. Why? Because they don't know exactly who they are, which automatically stops them from knowing what they want and what they goals are. So! After a long research about this topic (that actually was not very sucessful), I decided to create a poster (the main support for the project), pin badges, t-shirts and a website. You'll be able to check all this bellow so, please, continue.